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Sauna and Erectile Function

Saunas and wellness-programs are very popilar in germany. Saunas in use consist often of a room with wooden furniture, banks and facilities for pouring water over the hot stones. Temperatures rise to 80 up to 100 degrees celsius. With dry air the temperature may even be 130 degrees celsius. A rise in temperature is sometimes achieved by splashing water over hot stones. This water is sometimes aromatized by aetheric oils. Saunas are popular meeting places. They improve relaxation, health and general wellness. Going to a sauna helps to harden against common colds and help in the treatment of vegetative illnesses. The high temperature also destroys pathogens.

The change of heating up and cooling down the circulation is stimulated and the metabolism is positively influenced.

Saunas also have a positive influence on reducing the aging of the skin; the circulation in the skin improves and the upper epidermis is cleansed. One unlooked for side-effect of saunas is a temporary infertility of men. The high temperature destroys the sperms and the number of sperms decreases. New sperms take around 72 days to develop and are stored in the epididymis. The development of new sperms usually takes place at temperatures below the human body-temperature at around 35 degrees celsius. Saunas with big pools, bars and additional plants like palm-trees are very well visited by old and young people alike. Also very popular are contact-saunas with the possibility for extended contacts, flirts and sex. Public saunas are also well visited by a mixed public and families.

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