Probably men appreciate still less the visit at the urologue than woman do it with their standard date at the gynecologist. They put this examination in their popularity still behind the extended shopping-tour with the own wife. Only every fifth man goes to the precaution for cancer at the urologue also to let the prostate be examined for an affection. From about 45 years on however men should regularly have a check of the prostate according to the information of sick-funds and doctors. A possible affection of cancer can be recognized early that way. The prostate precaution can rescue life, because an early recognition and treatment increases the chances of being cured enormously.
a special precaution should be at work. Yearly 12000 concerned persons in Germany make clear that the affection has to be taken very serious in its frequency. The prostate doesn’t also make problems at a strike of cancer for a long time. That way the affection lies dormant in the body while the man does not yet know anything from it. But fear, shame or insecurity in association with the examination should not be the reason to avoid this examination. On principal the urologue makes a touch examination for the control of the prostate. Many doctors complete the precaution by taking of a blood sample for a so-called PSA-definition in the lab, a definition of the prostate specific antigen. In this way also smaller or deep-seated carzinomes can be excluded. But this preventive medical check-up will only be borne by the sick-funds if a conspicuous touch examination is in hand. Otherwise the patient must finance this examination by himself, which costs about 25 Euro. At the PSA an albumen is shown which is remarkably increased and given up into the patient’s blood when there is a cancer affection of the prostate. Every man from 45 years onward should join an urologue of his trust in order to let make this precaution being a bit unpleasant but urgently necessary.