Not just in Germany but everywhere in the world pornography as well as prostitution have an important economic meaning. It is the industry with the highest expansion rate. Especially pornography on the internet is a booming business. The profits of porn industry on the internet are even so high that they easily rise above profits from Microsoft, Ebay and Google. At the moment the porn industry on the internet makes an amount of about 2000 Euro a second, what is 173 Million Euro profit a day. Because of that boom on the internet developments in other fields of pornography are declining, for example the selling of DVDs.
It is close to prostitution. Also this industry is very important for economy. Not for nothing prostitution is not immoral anymore since 2002, but a subject to social insurance contribution. Nevertheless it is still common to work illegally. Also the prostitutes theirselve rather want to earn black money instead of paying social security tax. Of course this hurts economy because the state does not get tax revenue for that work. Approximately just in Germany about 200.000 people practice prostitution. Yearly exchange in this industry lies by 14,5 billion Euros. The negative aspect of prostitution is that women from abroad are still lured with wrong promises to work here as cheap prostitutes. The economic misery of these women is used mercilessly. Also forced prostitution is unfortunately not an exception.