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Does Circumcision Prevent from AIDS?

During genital mutilation, known as Circumcision, the foreskin is removed along the prepuce with a surgical scalpel under general anesthesia. A medical indication for this operation is only given if a stricture of the foreskin exists which would constrain the emptying of the bladder or the coitus. The foreskin is the natural protection of the sensitive glans from skin irritation through clothing or other traumatic influences and has otherwise no further function. In some cultures, the circumcision is conducted as a protection against contamination because due to a lack of cleanliness, secretion and dirt can easily assemble beneath the foreskin and thus actually cause an infection.

Often those circumcision in private domains are conducted without anesthesia,

a doctor, let alone sterile terms, in a barbarian manner at infants. Unfortunately, those cultures have not yet reached a level in their evolution that could make them understand the senselessness of their actions. The standard of hygiene, which schedules daily showering, generally renders this medieval ritual unnecessary. AIDS is a terminal, viral infectious disease which devolves through blood, sperm and vaginal secretion. To avoid an infection it is absolutely necessary to use condoms during the coitus and to abstain from any practices that might cause an infection, like oral and anal sex, SM, etc. There is a dramatically high risc of infection wherever microlesions of the skin and the mucous membrane are anticipated. Condoms only partially protect, for it occurs very often that they rip and that infectious body fluids, which cling to them, get in contact with raw spots.

The only reasonable protection of AIDS is faithfulness in a partnership - provided that none of the two is already infected.

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